The Convergence of Rebellious Midwives Conference

Challenging mainstream maternity care with evidence-based practices.

Friday 23rd-Sunday 25th August 2024

Sofitel Hotel, Darling Harbour (Tumbalong), SYDNEY, (On Gadigal land and waterways)

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Select your ticket now

The convergence of rebellious midwives conference

Redefining midwifery conferences 

To Learn

Practical and evidence based content to help you excel in your midwifery career, learn new skills and practical information.

To Reset

This conference is about filling your cup and rejuvenating your midwifery soul. Included in your ticket is learning breath work for stress reduction, morning movement classes, nourishing food and practical strategies for mitigating workplace stress and trauma.

To Reenergise

You will be inspired to out grow the status quo and apply what you've learned to make actual change and revive your midwifery purpose

We less than 50 conference tickets and 80 dinner tickets remaining. Both breech workshops are full but you can join a cancelation list to be in line for a ticket

I don't want to miss out


these presenters look amazing! I'd like tickets please!

What's the plan?

Arrive in time to settle into your accomodation and be at the venue, Sofitel Hotel Sydney for a 7pm start to the opening ceremony and cocktail party. The cocktail party will be flowing with food to fill your belly. Mel has a special event planned for you all.

Now, let me paint you a picture...

Imagine arriving to beautiful Darling Harbour in Sydney on Gadigal land (easily by air and public transport or by car with parking available) and Arriving to the Sofitel grand ballroom on Friday 23rd of August 2024 at approximately 7pm to enjoy the conference opening ceremony with the flamboyant standards expected by Mel.

The food is delicious and finger-foody (but amazing!) and you find friends and colleagues and enjoy the drinks package. There something extra special for the opening night so don't skip this one.

On Saturday 24th of August you wake satisfied at the previous nights stress-relieving adventure and remember there will be a restorative movement class before the conference sessions so you head on over to move your beautiful body before breakfast.... And then breakfast is delicious. Time to start the conference. 

There are no wasteful sponsor leaflets or advertising or samples in your conference bag and you enjoy the weightlessness of knowing this conference has a focus on minimal waste, maximal quality and serving your tired midwifery soul

One quality speaker after another roll out their magic and the day is broken up by food that has been specially selected to nourish rather than deplete you. You see your friends and your brain gets comfortably full.

You appreciate that the Djakamirr team and film viewing is positioned directly after lunch because, although you love the conference presenters, lunch has left you in a little bit of a food coma.

Saturday 24th of August in the evening the conference dinner is underway... will it be good? everything you hoped for? You are expecting to chat with your friends over an exceptional meal - yes that will happen because the music won't be too loud at first so you don't have to yell over it. Then once your tummy is full, the drinks are flowing and the conversations have gone deep, you get a chance to dance the night away with DJ Koul delivering only danceable tunes! 

On Sunday 25th of August you wake a little later than planned because you partied solid last night, but you still want to move a bit and take advantage of the second restorative movement class. Then the conference begins again for another Jam packed (how did she do it!) kind of day. 

By the afternoon you are feeling so glad that you decided to book The Convergence of Rebellious Midwives conference as your conference of choice for 2024 because it has been so good. You have something you can take away and apply to your work immediately, you connected with your colleagues and learnt a few things about how to overcome the maternity care system pitfalls. 

You wonder if you can book tickets to the 2025 convergence. 

There are more details to come, but you get the picture for now... full program to be revealed soon

sounds awesome! sign me up!

The Program

Sounds awesome! Sign me up!

Frequently Asked Questions

Register Today

We are gathering all the rebels and converging for a weekend of sustenance as we dive into curated education, delicious food, healing, rejuvenation, and celebration. Come together with your people to remind yourself of your purpose and fill your cup. 

Registration Closes in...









Single Payment

$1397 AUD


  • Friday night opening ceremony with lavish food and a twist!
  • Morning movement classes
  • Saturday conference 
  • Sunday conference
  • Morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea (Sat & Sun)
  • Afterpay available at check out

You can add the conference dinner party at the checkout for a single payment of $180 - additional dinner tickets can be purchased separately below


Conference dinner party

$180 AUD

Only 250 tickets available for the dinner. You can purchase your dinner ticket at the check out with your conference ticket and use this section to purchase additional tickets if needed

  • Saturday 24th Aug. 2024 
  • Time to catch up with people
  • Off the hook dance party
  • fully catered 
  • Drinks package 
  • Party with Mel and your people!
  • Afterpay available at checkout

Do you have more questions about the conference? 

Please feel welcome to reach out to [email protected] 

To be placed on the cancellation list for the pre or post-conference breech workshops please contact [email protected] 

If you have a unique contribution to make to this conference, we would love to hear from you. We are open to ideas and opportunities to expand the offerings of this conference. Please complete this form if you have something to offer