Meet Mel
Dr Melanie Jackson (AKA Melanie The Midwife) loves to help midwives and women around the world better understand and apply the research relating to matrescence (the process of becoming a mother). She does this as the host of The Great Birth Rebellion Podcast, supporting and mentoring midwives, as well as educating mothers.
Melanie has a PhD in Midwifery - Birth Outside the System: Wanting the Best and Safest. She has various publications in academic journals. Mel has worked in multiple research roles and lectured at Western Sydney University.
Since 2009, Mel has been a Privately Practising Midwife, providing homebirths in the Blue Mountains. She has mentored midwives into private practice in every state and territory across Australia and supports rebellious midwives around the world through The Assembly of Rebellious Midwives and The Convergence of Rebellious Midwives.

Mel's Qualifications
B. Health Science (Naturopathy) Western Sydney University
Grad.Dip Theology Presbyterian Theological College
Masters Nursing (first grade honours) Sydney University
Grad. Dip Midwifery (with Distinction) Western Sydney University
Grad. Cert (Pharmacology) Griffith University
PhD Midwifery (Birth outside the system) -Western Sydney University